Voters should expect candidates to show up and make their case to the voters. We are now looking at pay-to-play candidate forums for the donors instead of voters and candidates who simply won't show up for community debates and forums. This trend is unacceptable and must end.
From the current governor to current candidates running for office, they are avoiding talking to the very voters they expect to elect them. Every day it becomes more evident what the selfish interests of a few are going to cost this state. Elections should bring out the best and the brightest. Teachers should be able to use candidate forums and debates as teaching opportunities in civics.
I hope all the folks who live in Louisiana will exercise their franchise and do some housecleaning from the top to the bottom from school boards to judges, especially to candidates that don't value them enough to make their case. A state content to elect these types of individuals will hear the sound of our children and grandchildren voting with their feet and of industries bypassing us. Something needs to change.
Baton Rouge